Select Level

(Years 3-6)
Lower Secondary
(Years 7-9)


Cambridge Primary

Why Study Cambridge Primary Science?

Our exciting primary science curriculum helps learners develop a life-long curiosity about the natural world and enables them to seek scientific explanations to the phenomena around them. (Cambridge Assessment International Education, n.d.)

What will students learn?

Students will think scientifically and develop practical skills alongside knowledge and understanding, which is vital for explaining the world around us. Improving learners’ awareness of science in the world around them develops their sense that ‘science is for me’, helping to connect themselves to the subject. This approach provides them with the knowledge and skills they require to excel at science in later stages of education and to make informed choices, including considering sustainability issues and meeting the challenges facing our environment.

How is the programme taught?

This curriculum covers six main areas called ‘strands’ that work together so that we can teach science holistically:

  • Biology – living things and how they interact
  • Chemistry – the study of matter
  • Physics – the interaction of matter and energy
  • Earth and Space – planet Earth, the wider Solar System and beyond
  • Thinking and Working Scientifically – develops understanding and skills of scientific models and representations, scientific enquiry and practical work
  • Science in Context – helps teachers demonstrate the relevance of science to learners and unique to our science curriculum



Cambridge Primary End of Year Assessments are in-house, online assessments administered by us.

Course Fees

The fee for Cambridge Primary Science can be paid in monthly or termly instalments.

For more information about Fees and Discounts, please click here.

For more information about Cambridge Primary Science, please click here.


Cambridge Lower Secondary

Why Study Cambridge Lower Secondary Science?

Our science lessons help learners develop a life-long curiosity about the natural world. Students will think scientifically and develop practical skills alongside knowledge and understanding, which is vital for explaining the world around us. (Cambridge Assessment International Education, n.d.)

Key topics covered in the course

  • Biology
    You will investigate the characteristics of living things and how they interact. How does the heart pump blood around the body? How do organisms develop, grow and reproduce? You will find answers to these and many other fascinating questions focused on life itself.
  • Chemistry
    You will investigate the chemical reactions; learn about atoms, elements, compounds and study the Periodic Table. Chemistry helps you to understand the world around you.
  • Physics
    You will learn about the interaction of matter and energy. You will explore a range of interesting phenomena and discover surprising explanations for everyday things we see and take for granted. It will take you on a journey from planet Earth to the wider Solar System and beyond.

Prior requirements and hours of study

Cambridge Lower Secondary Science course assumes no prior knowledge and starts from the basics. It requires 4 – 5 hours per week of study time for your child to complete Year 7, 8 or 9.



Cambridge Lower Secondary End of Year Assessments are in-house, online assessments administered by us.

Course Fee

The fee for Cambridge Lower Secondary Science can be paid in monthly or termly instalments.

For more information about Fees and Discounts, please click here.

For more information about Cambridge Lower Secondary Science, please click here.

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